what is a steam powered giraffe, and why should i care?

steam powered giraffe is an american pantomime musical act, formed in san diego california in 2008 by isabella bennett, david bennett, jon sprague, and erin burke. these four compromised the original steam man band, playing rabbit, the spine, the jon, and upgrade respectively. they performed in balboa park for a number of years, doing music and improv comedy.

erin & jon eventually left the band, and sam luke (their backing musician) joined on as hatchworth, the fifth walter robot. after he departed in 2016, bryan barbarin joined as zer0!

the band grew and changed often, with a variety of actors joining; there have been a handful of walter workers, backing musicians, and other human members of the band as well. overall, steam powered giraffe is a really sick theater experience and my favorite thing in the world!

for more in-depth lore, see here!

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character basics

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characters: the robots



characters: live-action humans