colonel walter was shocked when he learned from the nile / copper african elephants were turning hostile / so he built these wonderful automaton blokes...

basic lore

in 1896, respected scientist (and lesbian) delilah morreo had a little problem: two men, peter a. walter and thaddeus becile, were super in love with her. obviously, she did not feel that way about them, and their fighting over her became worse and worse until she eventually died of TB.

peter had built a whole bunch of sentient automatons (and a metal giraffe) powered by something he discovered called "blue matter"; thaddeus had built copper elephants powered by "green matter".

they super go to war over it. the robots are very sad.

some of my favorite niche facts!

  • rabbit has a social security number!
  • upgrade can turn into a mechanical dragon!
  • peter walter six says "welks" instead of "welcome"!
  • rabbit carries a wallet with pictures of her siblings in it :]

  • head back home

    character basics

    click a character's name button to see some of their lore!

    characters: lore-specific humans

    art by samuel luke & isabella bennett & gabi gonzalez